A lot has been happening lately, and maybe this weekend I will be able to sort our what's been churning in my heart, my mind, maybe.
This semester has been really different for me. I have been having to do everything in a way that keeps an eye to what is ahead. I have been having to do homework days or weeks in advance because I'll realize I won't have more than 3 hours of free time or so from that day till deadline. (crazy)
Ironically when I think about it, this is exactly what God is teaching me right now--do everything with a vision for what's ahead, whether that be what's ahead for your purpose here on earth, or the vision of eternal matters (setting your heart on what's truly important).
Everything has been happening so fast and things/opportunities have been dropping in my lap, but I have to weigh out what is right and what is for me. What is God's will? This usually isn't too difficult for me to decifer, but at this point in my life I have to plan for what may be in a year to come. This is where the difficulty comes in. I don't have a clue! One perspective importantly is that I cannot take my commitments lightly, bringing others into undeserved trouble (a principle that I've lived to learn).
It's crazy because what I know and can say is that I long for uncertainty, and that for many reasons.
I believe the familiar can easily hold one back.
I think that the most beautiful life-changing things are usually deposited in your life when and where you least expect it. (The surprise is that much more extravagant).
And I think that one of the biggest regrets is the regret of "what if?".
"Life is about minimizing regret." this has been the resounding theme of my life for the last year. I have stepped out of my comfort zone in many ways in regards to what God has told me to do. There have been times when I've wanted to ignore what he was telling me, but I couldn't.
I knew if i didn't take a leap into whatever unknown thing he was pushing me towards, I would have experienced a more weighty regret.
Earlier last week, I was talking to one of my neighbors. He proceeded to tell me that he was moving away and that I could have anything in his apartment. Long story short, I received a beautiful couch, dining table, and a large tv for free....
along with 6 jars.
This is a little crazy but I've been thinking about savings for awhile (too long) haha. But more seriously in recent I've prayed about savings and ideas for how a girl like me could possibly find a way to save. Yeah, I'm just not the "write everything down" budget type who can excel-sheet all my money into categories. I don't know, something about that to me screams limits in unnecessary unmeaning ways. So I told myself that I was going to buy jars and label them--future mission trip, future vacation, grad school, etc.. and just deposit money in them without keeping track of how much so that I could surprise myself later. This may be a little old-fashioned, but it works for someone like me. I've looked for jars in the stores but they are surprisingly expensive (and I'm unnecessarily picky), so at that point I was not able to get them .
And there 6 jars were, sitting unreservingly on my neighbor's counter, just like the ones I wanted.