Friday, October 28, 2011


The pendulum swings to the left
To the right
And for a moment in time
It strikes

The perfect balance
In center
Reveling Equilibrium

A moment in cycle
Steady symmetry

It’s you
It’s me
Gravity determinded
What others only see

Of time
Displacement fought
Masked in every direction
See through their reflections

Yet pivot’s restored
The force
Our gravity
The Glory and trifle
A weight of love

Swung on a string
Back and forth
Back and forth

Will we learn?

Shorten the string
Heighten the weight
Of passion
I’m so tired of

Let friction bring
Back to center
I long for rest
In position


Monday, October 24, 2011

Never the Same

When you have spent time in the presence of God, there should be a different demeanor about you.

So different that when you let people into the depths of who you are, they are changed.

The Holy Spirit is in the business of changing.

Be confident enough in God to walk out what he has ordained for you and only you.

Be secure enough to let people into the depths of who you are.

When we are more and more like Jesus, people should not walk away the same after meeting us,
yet not in any way because of US, yet the BRIGHT LIGHT, the sparkle and display of God's
glory that even Moses had to cover his face when speaking with others.

May we spend so much time in the presence of our Father that we glimmer and shine.
Those who look to Him are radiant. Psalm 34:5

May God's glory be so heavy on us that it inspires others to seek God more deeply,
(the presence of God inspires)
to repent,
to ask harder questions,
to desire and seek after the joy and peace that He has offered to us.

May we always point to our Savior.

And may we be such bold light insomuch that we evade the darkness.

Bixby Canyon Bridge

I descended a dusty gravel ridge
Beneath the Bixby Canyon Bridge
Until I eventually arrived
At the place where your soul had died

Barefoot in the shallow creek
I grab some stones from underneath
And waited for you to speak to me

In the silence it became so very clear
That you had long ago disappeared
And I cursed myself for being surprised
That this didn't play like it did in my mind

All the way from San Francisco
As I chased the end of your rope
'Cause I've still got miles to go

And I want to know my fate
If I keep up this way
And it's hard to want to stay

When everyone you meet
They all seem to be asleep
And you wonder if you're missing your dream
You can't see your dream
You can't see your dream
You just can't see your dream

A dream

And then it started getting dark
And I trudged back to where the car was parked
No closer to any kind of truth
As I must assume was the case with you


This song is art.

My Wish for You

I tell all my guy friends:

Find a girl who is beautiful not only on the outside, but more importantly on the inside. Find a girl who is deep. Find a girl who has taken time to develop who she is. Find a girl who has an understanding of how big God is.

Find a girl who will offer to get up and get you a glass of water while you stay, or turn off the lights (but don't let her, or go with her).

Find a girl who will love you in every dimension of life.

& The only way you will get a girl like that is, if you are all these things to her.

This kind of girl realizes who she is. She won't let herself be easily snatched.

When you find her, cherish her, hang on to her, make her yours,

because she is rare.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Free Spirit?

"It refers to a human being who feels unconstrained by convention; rather, the spirit of liberty is paramount to that person."

"Free spirits are inclined to explore life and taste new experiences that hold true to the deepest parts of themselves vs. being influenced by what the masses around them are doing. They are often people who think freely and have the courage to hear their own voice and follow their own integrity."

Funny how other people see things in you before you realize it yourself.

Here's to rediscovering.

Standalone player